Jake Hafele - Project Portfolio
Design Engineer Intern - Garmin

May 2023 to August 2023
In my final internship, I traveled to Olathe, Kansas to spend my Summer at Garmin headquarters. During this three-month period, I had the opportunity to work as a design engineer, working on both a prototype power supply design and an FPGA test interface in the Avionics business unit. During the first two months, while I was designing a power supply design, I was tasked with determining load shedding estimations and decomposing power and lightning surge DO-160 requirements. During the last month, I was able to work with the FPGA team in Avionics, and develop a new design for a QSPI test interface, that would verify a FPGA image on another piece of hardware. To do this, I updated the QSPI module to interface with a Read/Write standard, from an existing AXI Lite interface. This design was then synthesized and verified on an Artix-7 FPGA, viewable on an oscilloscope.

Tasks Performed

  • Updated a QSPI entity to communicate with a CPU using a defined Read/Write interface, from an AXI Lite interface
  • Designed a Bus Functional Model using VHDL to read and write QSPI transactions with FPGA interface
  • Defined pinout and timing constraints in Vivado to synthesize Artix-7 Xilinx FPGA
  • Simulated new and existing circuit designs in LTSpice for prototype power supply design
  • Designed prototype power supply design for transponder using Cadence Allegro

Skills/Tools Developed

  • FPGA Synthesis using Vivado
  • Loading FPGA image in Quartus Prime
  • Simulating testbench in Active-HDL
  • Revision Control using Git for FPGA Codebase
  • Developed QSPI Bus Functional Model and Testbench in VHDL
  • Schematic Capture and PCB Layout in Cadence System Capture/Allegro
  • Circuit Simulations in LTSpice
Systems Engineer Intern - Collins Aerospace

May 2022 to December 2022
For my second internship in college, I went to Collins Aerospace in Cedar Rapids, Iowa for an 8 month long co-op. This job started in the Summer of my Junior year, and carried through the Fall semester of what would have been the start of my Senior year. In this job, I worked with a systems engineering team to conduct verification and documentation updates for Collins’ CH-47F Chinook program. This job included testing new software developed by subsystem teams for the Chinook platform, alongside testing new hardware that was developed both by Collins and other aerospace companies. This meant that most of my days were spent reading documentation and understanding test procedures, which I was expected to follow one to one. While I did lots of step by step verifications, I also performed my own type of ad-hoc testing, based off of the existing verification procedures and documentation which was available to me. I would have to write down step by step the test cases I created and would have to get them checked off with our team lead before the verification could be approved.

Tasks Performed

  • Updated documentation on CH-47F Chinook that satisfies customer needs and requirements
  • Verified software and hardware updates through a suite of system wide
  • Inspected current and new subsystem designs that are integrated into the Chinook system
  • Performed system verifications before software release that verify system integration
  • Involved in a 4-week software release test event, including both ad-hoc and step by step procedure verification

Skills/Tools Developed

  • Revision control with Subversion for data specs and mission data
  • Updated documentation in DOORS
  • Agile workflow
Software Engineer Intern - Workiva

May 2021 to August 2021
During my first internship, after I completed my sophomore year of college, I joined Workiva over the Summer to develop a combination of front and back end code. During this job, our team used an agile workflow to develop and fix bugs for their admin management pages that were used to control different organizations for the products Workiva provided. This job taught me a lot about working in a team environment and the agile workflow, since it was my first exposure to industry engineering since I began college.

Tasks Performed

  • Responsible for designing Java software which managed roles for admin users of organizations
  • Verified developed code against an automated test suite and debugged stack errors
  • Collaborated with 10+ developers in an agile work flow to continuously enhance and fix old designs

Skills/Tools Developed

  • Coded in Java for back-end development
  • Coded in Dart for front-end web design
  • Agile workflow
  • Debugged existing code base